Exhibit your academic prowess, put on display your magnificent memory and in-depth knowledge,while you gain much more .
Win exciting prize-money and go home smarter than before.
Break out of the mundane routines of passive learning.
Discover new-invigorating ways to broaden your spectrum of knowledge &
make the most of this fun-filled quizzing session set to soar your passion for medicine high.

- 1) The quiz is open to all undergraduates and interns.
- 2) Teams will comprise of 2 people. Mixed college teams are allowed
- 3) Registrations must be done in advance.
- 4) To understand the style of questions in MedQuiz, check out our social media pages and YouTube channel for previous editions.
- 5) The format includes two steps: a) A written preliminary round.
- 6) There is an amazing range of prizes for all finalists as well as the audience during the quiz.
- 7) For any queries, please contact the OSMECON team or connect with us via our social media pages.
b) Followed by the final round which will be between the best 8 teams and will be conducted on stage.