Presenting - A chance to formalize your curiosity;
To give wings to the thinker and writer in you;
To showcase your ideas to the medical fraternity
And bring your research into public view!

- 1) Teams can consist of a maximum of two members. Individual presenters will also be accepted
- 2) Only one delegate in the team is allowed to present the paper.However, questions can be answered by either of the team members
- 3) Delegates are expected to send in the abstracts (not more than 300 words) to in the form of a word document (doc or .docx).
- 4) The abstract should be in the format of: Title, Introduction,Background, Aims and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results & Analysis (as applicable), and References.
- 5) Attestation of the authenticity of the work by any senior faculty member (not less than Associate Professor)at the end of the abstract is mandatory.
- 6) Each delegate is allowed to present only 1 research paper.
- 7) Informed consent form, study questionnaire and case study form must be uploaded separately if used for the study. Format is provided below.
- 8) The abstracts will be screened by a committee composed of senior faculty members.
- 9)The screening committee will select the top abstracts that will be presented on the day of event.
- 10) The decision made by the screening committee will be final and is notsubjected to reconsideration.
- 11) The delegates whose abstracts have been selected for presentation will be sent a mail and will be given prior information.
- 12) The presentation is expected to be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (ppt or.pptx file) not exceeding 18 slides.(excluding title and thank you slides)
- 13) Each presenter will be given a total of 8 minutes- 5 minutes forpresenting their case and 3 minutes for answering questions from the judges and the audience
- 14) Each session will have one winner and one runner which will be declared in the valedictory ceremony.
- 15) The last Date For Abstract Submission is 8th September.
- 16) The Last Date For PPT submission is 18th September.For further details, e-mail us
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- Contact :+917989664656