A pinch of information, a dash of innovation, Stir vigorously until fully combined And bring us a poster so replete with creativity That it completely blows our minds!

- Only digital posters in print are accepted.
- Poster size should not exceed 4ft x 3ft.
- 1) Registrations for poster presentation will be done on a first-come-first-served basis due to limited slots
- 2) A team can consist of a maximum of 3 members.
- 3) Only one delegate in the team is allowed to present the poster.However, questions can be answered by any of the team members.
- 4) Only e-posters in landscape orientation are accepted.
- 5) E-posters should be sent to posterpresentationosmecon2024@gmail.com along with a passport- size photo of the delegate.
- 6) Plagiarism of any type will lead to disqualification.
- 7) Al information must appear within one slide only.
- 8) Resolution of the poster should be 1080*1920 pixels.
- 9) Selected teams have to present their posters on the day of the event.
- 10) Each team can choose only one of the two given themes.
- 11) Delegates will be allotted a time of 7 minutes in total 4 minutes to explain their poster and 3 minutes for questions by jury.