Feel your adrenaline pumping, heart racing and muscles tensing as you experience the thrill of medical adventure.
Pick up the clues, crack the key and sail your crew towards the shore of treasure island armed with the paddles of knowledge.
Use your wit and act quick - the treasure is yours to find!

- 1) All undergraduates and interns are eligible.
- 2) Registration has to be done in advance.
3) This event includes 2 rounds:
a.Online preliminary round (Quiz)
b.Offline round (Treasure hunt)
4) For
a) In the offline round, leads for different locations will be in the form of riddles.
b) At each location, the participants must solve the puzzles to obtain the clues which will help determine the diagnosis of the disease.
c) After solving all the puzzles, the team that arrives at the correct clinical diagnosis fastest will be declared as the winner.
- 6) Help from any form of online or offline resources will lead to disqualification of the team.
- 7) The offline round will be conducted in Osmania Medical College.
- For any queries, contact team OSMECON.
a) MCQ based questions involving the concepts from MBBS 1st year to 4th year will be included in the online round.
b) The winners of this round will be determined by the speed of one’s performance and their corresponding score.
c) There will be two types of questions - factual and picture based. Each question carries 2marks.
d) There will be 25 questions in total.
e) For each question there will be 30seconds of time.
f) Only the winners of the online round will be grouped into teams (at random) to participate in the final offline round.
The date of the online round will be released shortly.