Every coin has two sides, every subject too. Sometimes more!
Debate is a game of mental gymnastics.
Challenge your prowess of gab and test your medical proficiency in this invigorating event.
Let your words set the stage on fire!

- 1. Each team should consist of 2 members, in which one participant shall debate FOR the motion and the other shall debate AGAINST the motion.
- 2. Both participants must register separately for the event.
- 3. Inter-batch and inter-college teams are permitted.
- 4. An online screening round will be conducted to select the top 12 teams for the prelims round which will be held on 2nd October 2024 in Osmania Medical College.
- 5. In the online round, both the participants of a team should upload a video delivering their argument for 2 mins each, where one shall speak FOR and the other AGAINST the topic.
- 6. The topic for the online screening will be announced on 15th September and the last date for uploading the team videos will be 22nd September.
- 7. The selected 12 teams will be announced on 24thSeptember.
- 8. The topic for the Prelims will be announced one week before the event i.e. on 24thSeptember 2024.
- 9. The format for the prelims round is as follows: a). Delivery of Argument: The participants will present their argument for a maximum of 2 mins 30 secs.
- 12. The best 5 teams will be selected for the Finals that will be held on 3rd October 2024.
- 13. The finals will include 3 rounds. Delivery of argument (3 mins), rebuttal with co-finalists (2 mins) and an additional round of Rebuttal questions from the panel of judges (2 mins).
- 14. Judging criteria for all the rounds- Online, Prelims and Finals: Argument content, delivery, diction, persuasiveness and time management.
b). Rebuttal Round: The total duration of this round is 1 min 30 secs. The participants will receive counter questions from their co-participants. All the questions asked to the participants should be answered within the same time. More than 2 questions can be permitted if it fits into the time frame.